TOP Restaurant

Chef Peter Ďurčo opened a small but very cozy restaurant outside the center of Žilina in the Solinky housing estate. The goal was to offer guests a small oasis of peace, a pleasant atmosphere and the feeling of visiting friends. That’s why they say that they are hosts at the Top restaurant, and they are happy to treat every lover of culinary specialties, which are truly endless on the menu. They always strive for fresh seasonal ingredients and offer daily Top food, prepared from food purchased in the morning, from which the chef creates the daily menu. Even the chef himself does not know in advance what will happen the next day. Simply put yourself in his hands and you won’t regret it. We have always liked it very much.
Prielohy 693/3 ,
010 07
Special restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Basic menu

20 €
Gurmán menu

55 €
Peter Ďurčo (chef)
River eel fillet Creamy egg yolk, salad cucumber mousse, infused cucumber and pearl tomatoes
Savignon Côtes de Gaacogne


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