Sýpka u Ludvíka

Pension Sýpka u Ludvíka is located in the village of Báb near the highway exit. It is a great refuge for passing drivers, and over the years it has become a sought-after place for gourmets not only from the surrounding area, but literally from all over Slovakia. The dishes here are traditional and the quality is excellent, so choosing from the menu is not at all easy. We opted for the classics and had corned chicken breast with crispy skin, tarragon, autumn vegetables and Viennese schnitzel from young bull with potato salad. The food tasted great, like from mom, and it was decorated with a pinwheel with rum-chestnut cream. The service here is always nice and – despite the constantly full restaurant – in a good mood. I always have to buy their home-baked bread to take home and what excited me is that they also set up their own orchard with over 3000 trees, a vegetable garden and chicken coops with their own chickens. I love coming back here.
Alexandrov dvor 423,
951 34
Special restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: VISA, MasterCard, Maerstro
Languages: English, German
Basic menu

11 €
Gurmán menu

30 €
Marek Kotúček (chef)
Potato pies, catfish, dill sauce, pickled lemon, crispy garlic
Pinot noir rosé sparkling, Vinárstvo Nichta


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