A small restaurant decorated in a traditional Japanese style is located in the Dúbravka district in the area of Technical Glass. For those who want to taste the specialties of the authentic Shugetsu restaurant, which has only a few branches around the world, this is a great opportunity to go to Dúbravka, as the next closest branch is in Hong Kong. Mr. Shuhei Nakagawa places maximum emphasis on the health of his guests and the quality of the ingredients used in his search for the perfect taste. Therefore, all the ingredients used are authentic Japanese and carefully selected by him personally over the years. At Shugetsu, they make their own noodles without preservatives or glutamine. The specialty here is tsukemen ramen (a strong chicken broth flavored with dried fish), in which you dip freshly cooked noodles. Fans of Japanese cuisine and ramen cannot praise Shugetsu cuisine enough.
aGáTOVá 22,
841 02
Special restaurant
Modern restaurant
Payment: visa, master card, dinners, american
Languages: English, German
Basic menu

7 €
Gurmán menu

13 €
Lukáš Lančarič – manager
Shugetsu tsukemen with marinated belly and egg
Saké Dassai 45 Junmai


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