RIO Restaurant & Bar

Rio is already a fixture in Bratislava, but known more as a sophisticated bar with an atmosphere and decent food. After ten years, it was renovated and turned into a very stylish restaurant with a great bar atmosphere. The menu has also been completely renovated and under the leadership of experienced brand chef Daniel Širota, there is a menu of very interesting dishes. The restaurant suddenly has a great potential to appeal even to demanding gourmets. The service here is pleasant, the food is served on interesting plates and, above all, well-tuned dishes such as duck breast, cauliflower puree, white asparagus, baby pak choi, fresh figs, pine nuts and blackberry sauce or their famous asado ribs – Black beef ribs prepared for 36 hours Angus from Australia. We recommend tasting!
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 15,
811 01
Premium restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: visa, master card
Languages: English, German
Basic menu

28 €
Gurmán menu

49 €
Daniel Širota – Brand Chef a Miroslav Lachkovič – chef
Octopus & Truffles
miešaný nápoj Malfy z Malfy ginu, výluh z lupeňov ruže, prosecco, jahoda, rebarbora a mix citrusov


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