Reštaurácia NOSTALGIE

The square in Spišská Nova Ves is dominated by the highest tower in Slovakia, opposite which every visitor to the city can see a terrace full of flowers. It belongs to the most famous local restaurant, set in a magnificent building in the historic square. Nostalgia is a real pearl of the gastronomy of the entire region, as evidenced by the elegant combination of the interior and the gastronomic offer. The restaurant also has stylish lounges that breathe history with a wine theme with a capacity of 50 and 40 seats. You will be reminded of the glorious times by the wide range of objects on the restaurant’s walls, as well as the menu, which does not lack the delicacies of American, Mexican and European cuisine. The colorful interior is also reflected in the menu, which is a unique symphony of quality products and the imagination of the chefs. The willing staff only complements the idea of the owner to appeal to everyone who is looking for a pleasant place to spend nice and pleasant moments, where they can enjoy every piece on the plate, every sip from their glass.
Letná 49 ,
052 01
Spišská Nová Ves
Special restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Basic menu

12 €
Gurmán menu

35 €
Adam Iľaš (chef)
Smoked cod, spinach sponge, lime espuma
Chardonnay 2018, SELECTION, Martin Pomfy Mavín, suché


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