Poľovnícky kaštieľ Antonštál

Although the Antonstál Hunting Manor is a state educational facility, it also revived gastronomically after the arrival of chef Michal Škorec. The mansion is located in the beautiful nature of the White Carpathians near Nemšová, almost on the border with the Czech Republic. There is divine peace and not even a mobile signal will bother you. On the contrary, you will be spoiled by the excellent cuisine of Michal Škorec, who is known for his interesting variants of creating traditional Slovak dishes in surprising flavor combinations. From the Winter Food Festival, his potato cream with pickles, sausage ice cream and quail egg or wild boar with sugar beet puree and truffles with plum sauce scored points. Since the mansion is not open to the public, its excellent cuisine can only be tasted on the basis of prior reservation and free capacities. Therefore, plan your visit to Antonstál in advance.
Antonštál 811,
914 41
Hotel restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: No, cash or invoice only
Languages: English, German
Basic menu

25 €
Gurmán menu

50 €
Michal Škorec – chef , Ing. Róbert Minárik – castellan
potato soup soured with marjoram and sausage ice cream


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