POETIKA bistro, coffee & wine

Poetika set itself the goal of setting a new dining standard in Prešov, and surely it was about time that someone took this chance. Because let’s be honest, that the third largest city of Slovakia does not have any restaurant in the list of the best restaurants (apart from Steakhouse Preshow), that is literally a shame. The structure and diversity of the spaces (cafe, wine shop, restaurant) gives the interior an unmistakable style, and the staff is also very pleasant, so their slogan is: “We will serve you a good feeling, add salt to your taste, spice it up with a pinch of poetry and whet your appetite to see poetry even in the small things of everyday life. ” is really true. We too had that pleasant feeling, and in addition, we really liked the dishes of Poetica’s young cooking team. Pleasant music production only enhanced this excellent atmosphere. We would love to come back here again.
Hlavná 20,
080 01
Premium restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: visa, master card
Languages: English, Russian, Polish, Spanish
Basic menu

22.70 €
Gurmán menu

29.70 €
Samuel Ďubák – chef
Smoked beef tongue with pea puree, apple marinated in red wine and lavash chips
Hacaj sekt brut


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