
After a long time, a restaurant was established in Žilina, which enriched the rather modest offer in this city with its offer and quality. Olivia’s is a restaurant offering American-Italian cuisine. They also serve pizza here, but Roman – in strips, like at the world-famous Roman, Bonci. The pizza is amazing and we couldn’t stop eating it. The menu offer is varied, from homemade pasta to meat dishes to salads and seafood. We also tried chicken lemon with grilled polenta and pork cheeks in Chianti with truffle and arancini. Both were very tasty. The kitchen is run by Zdenko Kramarčík, an excellent chef with a flair for flavor combinations and the use of traditional ingredients, from which he always prepares interesting dishes. When you are in Žilina, a visit to Olivia’s is mandatory.
A. Bernoláka 11,
010 01
Special restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: VISA, Maestro, American Express
Languages: English
Basic menu

28 €
Gurmán menu

38 €
Zdenko Kramarčík (chef)
Carne Cruda
Amarone DOC, Taliansko


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