Moment bistro

Moment bistro is a sister company of the famous Gašperov Mlyn and also offers accommodation. In the bistro, they decided that they wanted to appeal to gourmets and a wider public with simpler dishes than in Mlyn, but always with quality ingredients from farmers from the region. They follow the motto creative, seasonal and above all tasty. The menu changes daily and the choice is limited to three to five dishes in starters, main dishes or desserts. In nice weather, it is pleasant to relax on the terrace of the bistro and admire the view of the High Tatras. For children, they not only have a special menu, but also a nice little playground. When visiting the Tatras, you should definitely not miss the Moment bistro.
Záhradná 670 ,
059 35
Special restaurant
Modern restaurant
Payment: Mastercard, Visa, Maestro, Diners
Languages: English, German
Basic menu

20 €
Gurmán menu

50 €
Radovan Budzák (chef)
Rhubarb cake with strawberries and elderberry
Pálava 2017, Vinárstvo Berta


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