Meet Meat Restaurant & Bar

For an excellent steak in Bratislava, you should go to Meet Meat in Petržalka. From the outside, the inconspicuous steak house located under the residential building will literally take your breath away upon entering. The unique interior was created by craftsmen from central Slovakia. You won’t miss the “gallery” of steaks in mature display cases either. The selection is large and all you have to do is get advice from the prompt staff and leave their preparation to chef Ľubomír Lovecký, who is a true master of meat processing. If you can’t decide, like us, try the large Meat selection bowl with a selection of several types of steaks and great madeira and habanero sauces.
Lužná 9,
851 04
Special restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: VISA, MasterCard, MAESTRO, American Express
Languages: English
Basic menu

25 €
Gurmán menu

82 €
Ľubomír Lovecký (chef)
Selection of steaks and side dishes
Silver Oak, Cabernet Sauvignon


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