Koliba na Vršku

The new, modernly furnished restaurant Koliba na Vršku is located on the outskirts of Bytča. The menu offers classics such as bryndza dumplings, bryndza pies or perkelt from chicken breast with homemade butter dumplings, which should not be missing in any Slovak hut. However, at Koliba na Vŕšku, you can also order, for example, a sous-vide pork tenderloin with herb polenta, roasted garlic sauce and beet dust, or crispy chicken supreme on spinach risotto with blue cheese. But the golden nail of our lunch was the cottage cheese balls in gingerbread breadcrumbs with mascarpone and orange powder, which I was really looking forward to, and I was wondering if they would be fresh or from semi-finished products. They were fresh and the chef hit the mark. I haven’t eaten so well at Považie region in a long time.
Kolárovská cesta 1603,
014 01
Special restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: VISA, maestro
Languages: English, German
Basic menu

23 €
Gurmán menu

42 €
Peter Kulíšek (chef)
Duck breast sous vide, parsley puree, legumes, raspberry gel
Winery VELKEER – Dunaj D.S.C.


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