Kaštieľ Čereňany

Kaštieľ Čereňany – restaurant and guesthouse Afrodita is located 10 km away from Partizánske in the direction of Prievidza. According to old documents, the reconstructed manor is furnished with tasteful baroque furniture in the interior, which only emphasizes the compactness of the entire building. The wedding lounge is interesting, with the possibility of getting married directly in the manor building or in the exclusive garden. The cuisine is international, with a wide range of seafood dishes. We recommend you to taste the roasted ducks and the specialty of chef Marián Filo, grilled catfish with octopus, spinach and garlic butter, and let them recommend you a wine from the wine cellar with more than 250 types of wines. So don’t hesitate and accept the invitation to this beautiful manor – Kaštieľ Čereňany – Restaurant and guesthouse Afrodita.
Prievidzská 406/30 ,
972 46
Premium restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Basic menu

20 €
Gurmán menu

100 €
Marián Filo (owner and chef)
Young lamb from home breeding, on spring vegetables
Shiraz, Žitavské vinice r. 2011


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