Hotel Lomnica, reštaurácia Sissi

A wide variety of gems in the form of ubiquitous works of art, a lavish collection of veterans, but also a famous signature of top gastronomy. Hotel Lomnica in the heart of Tatranská Lomnica is an element that draws you into the realm of the unusual with its individual elements. The concept of the historic hotel follows the traditions of the Habsburg monarchy, so you can usually come across not only the names of the apartments named after famous monarchs, but also the two restaurants that bear significant names. In the classy Sissi Restaurant, you can enjoy a seven-course tasting menu with alcoholic/non-alcoholic pairings or an À la carte menu. The gastronomic design of the tasting menu teeters on the border of rebellion. He does not condemn traditions, but on the contrary, he honors them and takes them to a new level. The original recipe, which was distinguished on the tables of the Hungarian and Austrian nobility, is given a modern touch of innovation thanks to the combination of traditional ingredients and the latest gastronomic techniques. The energy and emotions that you take away after your stay in the hotel, also known as the First Lady of the Tatras, are guaranteed to last a lifetime, thanks to relaxing in the wellness center or tasting the professionally compiled portfolio of wines in the Selaví wine shop, which is part of Hotel Lomnica.
Tatranská Lomnica 92 ,
059 60
Vysoké Tatry
Hotel restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Diners club
Languages: English, German
Basic menu

40 €
Gurmán menu

60 €
Jozef Bachleda (chef)
Pearl, potato gratin, carrot, rhubarb, demi glace, white wine
ViaJur Tramín Červený 2018 , Doľany, Malokarpatská vinohradnícka oblasť


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