Hotel Hviezdoslav

A small hotel with a big heart – that is the slogan of a stylish boutique hotel established in four beautifully renovated, interconnected historical buildings in Kežmarok. The interior corresponds to the style and historical period, the atmosphere of which breathes on you from all its parts. The stylish à la carte restaurant Poézia offers a menu oriented to the four seasons and uses fresh seasonal ingredients when preparing meals. The menu includes regional specialties suitably complemented by dishes from international cuisine, attention is also paid to meatless dishes. We recommend that you definitely stop at Hotel Hviezdoslav during your travels to the picturesque Tatras and treat yourself to an unusual experience of a delicious lunch or dinner.
Hlavné námestie 95/49,
060 01
Hotel restaurant
Ambient restaurant
Payment: VISA, MasterCard, Diners Club, Amex
Languages: English, German, Polish, French, Italian, Russian
Basic menu

25 €
Gurmán menu

65 €
Miroslav Kriššák (chef)
Goose and duck feasts


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