Drak Pension & Restaurant

You can find the Drak family pension right next to the road in the village of Demänová towards the Jasná ski resort. The stylishly and tastefully furnished guesthouse has been – for many years – among the most successful guesthouses in Slovakia. Not only thanks to the high-quality offer of accommodation and additional services, but also for its first-class cuisine, which is dominated by the flavors of the regions complemented by well-known dishes of international cuisine, as it is an area frequently visited by tourists from all over the world. The kitchen is imaginative and the dishes are well-matched in taste. We liked it very much and will definitely come back.
Demänová 478 ,
031 01
Liptovský Mikuláš
Hotel restaurant
Modern restaurant
Payment: VISA, master card
Languages: English, German, Polish
Basic menu

15 €
Gurmán menu

49 €
Andrej Čanaky (chef)
Deer loin sous-vide, celery puree, sautéed vegetables, mushroom confit, truffle caviar
Dunaj, vinary Berta, region Strekov, 2019


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