Da Andrea
The well-known Italian chef Andrea Ena, whom we know from his restaurant U Taliana, opened his dream restaurant, which bears his name, but mainly also carries his philosophy, how he wants to present Italian food to his guests on a completely different level than we are used to in Slovakia. And he proves it really brilliantly, because his dishes are not only served in style, but are very delicately tuned into great flavors. He doesn’t overdo many food combinations because he wants to show us his version of perfect taste. Copying the season, his menu always features actual crops and it must be said that his risottos are truly exceptional. Okay, the Sicilian striped red shrimp are also famous, but everyone can find their own thing on the menu. Don’t come here when you’re only hungry, you come to Da Andrea’s for an experience.
Majakovského 9,
811 04
- 0902 251 251
- info@utaliana.com
- www.utaliana.sk/daandrea
- mon - thu 9:00 -22:00, fri - sun 9:00 - 23:00, ne 9:00 - 22:00
Payment: visa, master card
Languages: English, German, Italian
Basic menu
30 €
30 €
Gurmán menu
45 €
45 €
Andrea Ena – chef
Gamberi Mazzancolle sous vide with citrus-basil mayonnaise
Rossj – Bass Lange -Gaja
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