Au Café restaurant

The Au Café restaurant, located in the quiet surroundings of Petržalka Park on the Danube embankment, offers you modern Italian cuisine under the leadership of Executive Chef Mário Žužič, who prepares with his team matured DRY AGE STEAKS, home-made fresh pasta, elaborate risottos, fresh grilled meats and fish. In the summer season, we grill them directly on the terrace in front of our guests on a renovated lava grill with the option of smoking. We also place great emphasis on working with wine, in our wine store at Au Café you will also find exclusive vintages of wines from the Bordeaux region. The modernly furnished interior will create a worthy backdrop for your business negotiations and will make your time with friends more pleasant. In the winter garden, during the autumn and winter months, you can enjoy a romantic atmosphere with a wonderful view of the Danube embankment, Bratislava Castle and historic Bratislava. Let yourself be carried away by a pleasant gastronomic experience.
Tyršovo nábrežie 12,
851 01
Payment: visa, master card
Languages: English
Basic menu

30 €
Gurmán menu

80 €
Peter Drobný, Andrej Krnáč (manager), Mário Žužič (chef)
Salmon trout, marinated cucumber, wheat, white radish cream
Savignon Blanc, Vicar´s Choice 2021 Nový Zéland


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