Áčko – reštaurácia a pizzéria

A family restaurant, as few would expect in the heart of Šurany. The interior is stylish and completes the atmosphere of a Mediterranean restaurant. The latter also dominates the menu with a wide range of homemade pasta, salads and pizza, but it is suitably complemented by classics, very popular with Slovaks, such as steaks and fresh local fish. The restaurant pleasantly surprised gourmands with its offer even during the Winter Food Festival, and chef Zoltán Hátaš’s specialties such as homemade tortellini with pecorino cheese served with herbal espuma and wild boar cheeks on apple reduction with blanched kohlrabi, blackberries and baked potato puree were rated very positively by the guests.
MDŽ 1,
942 01
Special restaurant
Modern restaurant
Payment: visa, master card, dinners, american
Languages: English, German, Hungarian
Basic menu

16.90 €
Gurmán menu

51 €
Zoltán Hataš – chef
Beef Tataki
Dunaj Fiero wine


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