Gourmet magazine in Slovakia 2024

Friends Gourmets!

After a year, we have again the long-awaited magazine for gourmets, Gurmán na Slovakia 2024, and in it also a list of the “Best Restaurants in Slovakia 2024”. You will find out who is the chef of the year, which restaurants were awarded the Golden Forks and which restaurants are the Best of the best!
Of course, the magazine will not lack popular tips for gourmet weekends, interviews with world chefs, wine reviews, and above all, our main theme will be also a very interesting gourmet wine destination in this issue.
You can look forward to a full-flavored read!

Publisher Gurmána na Slovensku
Pre gurmanov s.r.o., Letná 1, 831 03 Bratislava
office: +421 911 353 100

I order a magazine Gurmán na Slovensku, edition 2024, included €8.50 per copy + €1.80 postage.

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